Now What?

Now What?

This website is full of great info for things to consider when you want to do a deep dive but this page will be an emergency kit of sorts. A way to get things moving in a positive direction. First Things First While your loved one and immediate family are going through the toughest time…

Fundraising Volunteers: Building an Effective Event Team for Success

Fundraising Volunteers: Building an Effective Event Team for Success

Curious about how fundraising volunteers can elevate your event? Get ready to explore the dynamic world of event planning, where we unveil the crucial tasks undertaken by these passionate individuals. From event promotion and marketing to logistics and donor engagement, we’ll show you how fundraising volunteers bring the energy, creativity, and commitment needed to ensure your fundraiser is a resounding success.

Bringing Your Cause to Life: Organizing Benefit Fundraisers, Planning and Promotion

Bringing Your Cause to Life: Organizing Benefit Fundraisers, Planning and Promotion

Benefit fundraisers can be powerful tools for making a difference in your community or for a cause you care about. In this article, we’ll explore effective ways of organizing benefit fundraisers, from selecting the right venue and marketing your event, to managing volunteers and following legal requirements. Time to create a successful and impactful benefit fundraiser.