Now What?

This website is full of great info for things to consider when you want to do a deep dive but this page will be an emergency kit of sorts. A way to get things moving in a positive direction.

First Things First

While your loved one and immediate family are going through the toughest time of their lives…extended family, friends, and members of the community have an opportunity to step up and give.

Social media is a great place to find support. Plenty of people will comment “if you need anything…let us know”.

So let’s come up with ways for them to help.

Step 1: Pick a Leader

You need someone that cares enough to work their butts off…but ideally not so close to the person that their going to be distracted by the other responsibilities that come with this sort of thing (doctors appointments, cooking/organizing meals).

Choose a leader that can dole out jobs and give responsibilities to those who want to help.

Step 2: Form a Benefit Committee

Find a local establishment that will allow it (coffee shop, banquet room, quiet bar) and arrange a meeting to coordinate your benefit event effectively.

Once you nail down a time and place and start telling your volunteers so you can get things rolling.

The more volunteers, the more opportunity for fundraising.

The more volunteers, the more organization is needed.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Step 3: Make a list of every business in the area

You’ll be asking your committee to volunteers to reach out to businesses to gather donations…either monetary donations or products for you to add to raffle baskets/silent auctions.

An easy way to do this is to simply search “Businesses in (your town)“. If you’re lucky you’ll find a Chamber of Commerce that has everything listed with an address and phone number.

Keep in mind some people may have previous relationships with business owners which would make it easier for them to get donations. You’ll have your team sign up to reach out each business.

DON’T FORGET YOUR SMALL BUSINESS OWNER FRIENDS!! Side hustles are popular today. Give the community a chance to give back while spreading the word about their offerings.

Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

Step 4: BUT WAIT!!

Don’t reach out to the businesses until you’ve got a flyer…for a couple of reasons.

  1. Most won’t donate until they know the specifics and have proof the benefit is happening
  2. Whether they say “yes” or “no” to donating…you can ask if they’ll hang a few flyers up to promote your event.

Local businesses are very happy to donate to a great cause for the community that supports them. Here are some ways to raise money at a benefit:

Step 5: T-Shirts

T-shirts are not only a great fundraising tool but an incredible way to show support as your loved one takes the next important steps. Talk to a screen printer that can do bulk orders. Help them customize the design to the personality of the person who you’re trying to help.

Step 6: Donations

P2P Monetary Donations

  • The Apps: If you’ve got Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, Zelle, or any sort of person-to-person money transfer app…it’s a good idea to promote this on social. Send out links or QR Codes that go directly to the beneficiaries’ profile.
  • Bank Account: Find a bank that can easily be set up to accept donations for this sort of thing. It can be confusing to the staff of a bank or credit union if it’s not set up specifically for the benefit. Bonus points if the bank has a mobile option to make it easier for people to donate.
Photo by Tech Daily on Unsplash

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